
In addition to Sunday worship service and Sunday School, we have other meetings, too. 
Anyone is welcome, Christians and non-Christians alike.

Mary Meeting

- 1.00-2.30 pm on the second and fourth Fridays (you may want to have lunch together) at L1Fellowship Hall

This year we study on the book of Job of the Old Testament. You may find peace in the Bible in the midst of busyness of everyday life. If you want, you will be given a Bible free of charge.

You haven’t read the Bible before? The Bible is too difficult to comprehend? The Mary Meeting is also for those like you. You will find that the Bible is relevant to your everyday life. You may also attend the Poplar Library and borrow books or exchange information on Singapore life.

Prayer Meeting

- 3.00pm-4.30 pm on Wednesdays at room #04-03
     (Contact 81338092 when you first come. Sometime we change the meeting time)

The prayer meeting starts with singing amiable hymns in Japanese and English and reading one chapter from the Bible. Currently we are reading the books of the New Testament.

Participants share their challenges or joy at work or home in a small group and pray for others.

Anyone is welcome.

Poplar Library Meeting

Second and fourth Fridays 3:00-4:30 pm (except on holidays and in June) at L1 Fellowship Hall
An open library featuring the lending of picture story books for small children and children entertainment activities such as story telling and picture-story show in Japanese.
Children must be accompanied by their parent.